Loan Type APR* as low as
Autos 4.99%
New Recreational 6.49%
Used Recreational 7.49%
Home Loans 5.75%
Home Equity Prime + .50%
Personal Loan 8.75%
Savings Secured 4.00%
Certificate Loan Certificate Rate + 3.00%
Visa Platinum 9.90%
Visa Gold 11.90%
Visa Classic 14.96%


Share Type APY**
Share - Tier
$1 - $49,999 .10%
$50,000 + .10%
Prestige Checking .20%


Term Dividend Rate*** APY**
3-Month 2.25% 2.27%
6-Month 3.25% 3.30%
12-Month 4.00% 4.07%
18-Month 3.75% 3.82%
24-Month 3.25% 3.30%
36-Month 3.00% 3.04%
48-Month 2.50% 2.53%
60-Month 2.30% 2.32%


Term Dividend Rate*** APY**
6-Month Jumbo 3.30% 3.35%
12-Month Jumbo 4.05% 4.13%
18-Month Jumbo 3.80% 3.87%
24-Month Jumbo 3.30% 3.35%
36-Month Jumbo 3.05% 3.09%
48-Month Jumbo 2.55% 2.58%
60-Month Jumbo 2.35% 2.38%


IRA Certificates Dividend Rate*** APY**
3-Month 2.25% 2.27%
6-Month 3.25% 3.30%
12-Month 4.25% 4.33%
18-Month 3.75% 3.82%
24-Month 3.25% 3.30%
36-Month 3.00% 3.04%
48-Month 2.50% 2.53%
60-Month 2.30% 2.32%

The Board of Directors declare the rates for the quarter. The published rate is for the previous quarter. Rates are subject to change without notice.

***Dividend rates and annual percentage yields (APY**) are established weekly by the credit union's management. There is no limit on the amount the dividend rate may change. All dividends are compounded monthly. The dividend rate and APY** were accurate as of the effective date above. Fees may reduce earnings. On term share certificates the rate is in effect until the maturity date. The APY** is based on the assumption that dividends remain on deposit within the account during the dividend period; withdrawals will reduce earnings; and there are penalties for early withdrawal. Minimum Deposit required, call CORE Credit Union for more details.